If your Samsung dryer is not functioning properly and showing error codes on the control panel. You may find Samsung dryer error codes causes in this post along with their associated fixes. At the bottom of this post, we’ve also included a pdf file with the Samsung dryer error codes.
In the United States, Samsung dryers are very well-liked, and more and more individuals wish to acquire one or update their current dryer to one of Samsung’s later dryer models.
Even though Samsung dryers are of excellent quality and have a lot of features, problems might occasionally arise when using a Samsung dryer.

Problems can occur in any brand dryer so we need to find the cause of the problem and fix it immediately. In some cases, you can fix your Samsung dryer issues on your own but in some cases, you may require a Samsung technician’s assistance.
Samsung dryers have self-diagnosis capabilities and may detect problems in specific dryer functions, displaying error codes on the control panel accordingly. Error codes on Samsung dryers might assist you in locating and resolving an issue with the dryer.
Samsung dryer error codes
More than 13 trouble codes may appear on the control panel of your Samsung dryer. And it’s difficult to figure out what the codes on your dryer imply right away.
However, we have discussed in full the significance of all of the Samsung dryer problem codes, as well as the fundamental answer to the error codes.
Samsung dryer error codes meaning
We have tried to explain the meaning of the Samsung dryer error codes so that you could understand the various causes of the error code and attempt to resolve the issue on your own.

We’ve also provided images of the error codes that appear on the Samsung dryer’s control panel.
- 9C1: Voltage errors (9C1, 9E, 2E, 9E1)
- BE: Jammed button errors (bE, bE2, bC2, 6E, 6E2, 6C2)
- D0: Door-Related errors (dC, dE, dF, do, d0, 1 DC, 1 dF)
- T0: Temperature errors (tS, t5, tC, tO, t0, tE, tE3, tC5, tCS, 1 tC, 1tC5, 1tCS)
- HC: Heating errors (HC, hE, HC4, 1 HC)
- AC: Communication errors (AC, Et, AE, EEE, AE4, AE3, AE5, E3, 1 AC)
- FC: Frequency errors (FC, FE, 1 FC)
- C19: Vent Blockage test results (Clg, Cl9, Cg, C9, C80, C8o, C8, C90, C9o, Ct)
- DN: Download in progress (dn)
- 3C: All other errors
Samsung dryer error codes solutions
As previously stated, error codes are only indicators of problems that have occurred in your dryer, they are not the cause of the difficulties. Error codes in Samsung dryers might assist you in rapidly locating and correcting the problem.
As a result, we have attempted to provide a comprehensive solution to all Samsung dryer error codes. Check the error code on your dryer’s control panel and select a solution from the list below.
Voltage Error code 9C1

Causes: This error code comes when there is a problem with the dryer’s voltage supply.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes bE, bE2, bC2, 6E, 6E2, 6C2 are related to voltage-related issues.
Solution for error code 9C1
If you encounter error number 9C1 on the control panel of your Samsung dryer, make sure it is powered on and that you are not using an extension cord. Check that the power cord is properly installed and that the dryer is receiving the correct voltage. This is a common error for imported dryers to other nations because power systems and laws differ by country.
- The electronic control needs to be checked.
- Check if the power is supplied properly.
- Check if the power cord is plugged in.
- If this information code remains, please contact a Samsung service centre.
Jammed buttons error code BE

Causes: The error code BE appears if a button on the panel is detected as stuck or continuously pressed.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes bE, bE2, bC2, 6E, 6E2, and 6C2 are related to Jammed button issues.
Solution for error code BE
If you see the error code BE that indicates the Jammed buttons, then you can power off the dryer and then check each individual button if they are pressed continuously. Try to touch and release each and every button on the panel, working back and forth to reach all edges of each button.
Door-related error code d0

Causes: The error code D0 appears if there is some problem related to the door and door sensor.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes bE, bE2, bC2, 6E, 6E2, and 6C2 are related to Jammed button issues.
Solution for error code d0
These are associated with the door, its latch, and the sensors that detect whether it is properly secured.
Check that the latch is securely fastened, that no laundry or other things are caught in the door and that the door is properly closed and locked.
Temperature error code t0

Causes: The error code t0 appears if there is some problem related to the temperature issues.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes tS, t5, tC, tO, t0, tE, tE3, tC5, tCS, 1 tC, 1tC5, and 1tCS are related to temperature & temp sensor issues.
Solution for error code t0
These indicate a problem with the temperature or the sensors that measure it.
A clogged lint screen or vent system trapping heat in the dryer is the most prevalent cause. To correct the error, clean the lint screen, vent system, or both.
- Air temperature sensor problem.
- Clean the lint filter or the heat exchanger.
- Check for a clogged lint screen.
- Check if the vent system is restricted.
Heating error code HC

Causes: The error code HC appears, this indicates that the dryer is becoming too hot.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes HC, hE, HC4, and 1 HC are related to the dryer is not heating-related issues.
Solution for error code hc
This indicates that the dryer is becoming too hot.
A clogged lint screen or vent system trapping heat in the dryer is the most prevalent cause. To correct the error, clean the lint screen, vent system, or both.
- Check the circuit breakers in your home’s electrical box to see if they have tripped. Reset if they have tripped.
- Unplug the dryer and check the wiring connections on the heating element. (This requires a licensed professional electrician.)
- Clean the lint filter.
Communication error code AC

Causes: The error code AC appears, this indicates that the dryer’s internal components are not communicating with each other.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes AC, Et, AE, EEE, AE4, AE3, AE5, E3, and 1 AC are related to dryer communication-related issues.
Solution for error code AC
This signal indicates that the dryer’s internal components are unable to communicate with one another. You can try to turn off the dryer for 60 seconds and then turn the dryer ON.
- You can’t fix this problem at home so please contact the Samsung service center for further support.
Frequency error code FC

Causes: The error code FC appears, this indicates that the dryer is not getting the correct frequency power supply.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes FC, FE, and 1 FC are related to dryers’ power supply frequency-related issues.
Solution for error code FC
These marks indicate that the power source frequency is incorrect. To resolve this, restart the cycle.
Motor error code 3C

Causes: The error code 3C appears, this indicates that there is some issue with the dryer motor.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes 3c and 3E.
Solution for error code 3C
Check the Inverter motor for operation and Try restarting the cycle to fix the motor error.
Vent Check

Causes: The error code 3C appears, this indicates that there is some issue with the dryer motor.
Similar Error Codes: Error codes 3c and 3E.
Solution for vent check error
- The vent check indicator indicates that the exhaust vent needs to be cleaned.
- If the exhaust vent is around 60% clogged, it will light up after or during a cycle.
- If the exhaust vent is 80% obstructed after a cycle, the icon will blink for three hours.
Samsung dryer basic problems and solutions
There are some other basic problems that frequently occur with Samsung dryers. Solutions to the most common problems are as follows:
Samsung dryer noise issue
- Noise: Some noises are normal and you can ignore them.
- If you hear rattling, check the level of your dryer.
- For further troubleshooting, you can check the vent duct.
- Thumping: It often indicates an unbalanced load so distribute the load evenly.
- If you hear squeaking, first try to reduce the load size and then check.
- Door errors: For door errors, check that the latch can close.
- Stuck Button: For stuck button errors, you may need service.
- Eco Mode: If your clothes aren’t drying, check the eco mode and disable it if it is enabled.
- Drying issues: For further dryer troubleshooting clean the link filter!
- Check that your exhaust vent is clear.
- Schedule service for persistent issues!
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